July 13-19, 2025

Cost: $1,030.00

  • Step 1: 



    Register and Pay your $200 Deposit

    Please follow the links below to register for Hume Lake Summer Camp. 

    Be sure to click on the correct link based on the age of your child (i.e., Middle School or High School). Please register one child at a time, so we can capture the information needed for each child. If you have any questions about registration, feel free to email Aaron at

    In order to complete the registration and reserve your spot, you will need a credit card or bank information at the time of registration to pay your $200 deposit.

    Register your student based on the grade they will be going into for the 2025-2026 academic year (for ex. if they are going into 9th grade you will register them for HS)

    Middle School (For $200 Deposit ONLY -- to make additional payments see below)


    High School

    (For $200 Deposit ONLY -- to make additional payments see below)

  • Step 2: Make Payments

    (After you complete step 1 with your first payment, you can then use the links below to make the remaining payments)

    If you would like to make a payment towards your Hume Lake Trip

    (DO NOT pay your deposit through Hume...  Your deposit is paid through the Registration links above)





    (In the Private Message Box, please write Camper Name so we know who the payment applies to)

    Payment Schedule:

    Upon Registering: $200 (non-refundable deposit, unless spot is filled by another camper)

    May 1st, 2025: $230 due

    (if you register after April 16th, $430 is due upon registering)

    June 1, 2025: $300 due

    (if you register after June 1st, $550 is due upon registering)

    July 1, 2025: ***Final Payment: $300***

     (Last payment not due for those who receive scholarships)

    **You may make payments at any time**

  • Register With Hume Lake

    Sometime After June 1, 2025, you will receive an email from Hume with important information (i.e. Medical needs, dietary needs, tshirt size, Campership application, etc...) to fill out.  Please fill out this information as soon as possible.

    **You will only receive this email if you have Registered with VCF by filling out the above form AND have paid your deposit.**

  • Scholarships

    We don't want finances to keep any student from being able to attend Hume Lake Camp...

    In order to receive a scholarship from VCF, you must first apply for a Campership with Hume Lake.  To apply for a Campership, click on the link that will be sent to you some time after June 1, 2025, in your Hume Lake Registration Email.  

    Once you have filled out a Campership Request, you may then apply for a scholarship from Valley Christian Fellowship. The maximum scholarship amount is $300.00 (Campership + VCF Scholarship= $300.00).

    To Apply for a Scholarship click HERE.

    Questions? Please email Aaron Bubert at