Follow the links below to watch our Sunday Services
Pastor Casey Groves, Parables: Bags Of Gold
Pastor Casey Groves, Parables: The Wheat And The Weeds
Pastor Casey Groves, Parables: The Wedding Feast
Pastor Casey Groves, Parables: The Sower
Pastor Casey Groves, Parables: Mustard Seed & Yeast
Pastor Casey Groves, The Parables Of Jesus: Intro
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Christmas Eve: Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Pastor Casey Groves, Advent - Joy
Pastor Casey Groves, Advent - Peace
Pastor Casey Groves, Advent - Hope
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 6:1-4 - Children & Parents (A High Call To Fathers)
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 5:21-33 - Submission and Love With Purpose (A Gospel Analogy)
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Ephesians 5:1-20 - Walking in Gratitude
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 4:17-32 - Think, Speak, Act (Inside & Out)
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 4:1-16 - Building Upon The Firm Foundation (Spiritual Maturity)
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 3:1-13 - The Extent of God's Grace
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 2:11-22 - A New Building / He Is Our Peace
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 2:1-10 - ALL Dead
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 1:11-23 - A Prayer For The Believer
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians 1:3-10 - A Soaring Perspective
Pastor Casey Groves, Ephesians: Intro
Pastor Casey Groves, VCF - A Call To Membership
Dan Bergstrom, Essential Skills For Running The Rapids of Faith
Dan Schaeffer, Ruth: Restoration
Youth Sunday 2024
Pastor Casey Groves, Ruth: Redemption - God's Faithful Character
Pastor Casey Groves, Ruth: Hesed - God's Loving Kindness
Pastor Casey Groves, Ruth: With Grace, From God To You
Elder Rich Antles, Strive To Tithe
Pastor Casey Groves, Ruth: A Friendly Reminder
Elder Tyler Thomas, That Our Faith May Not Fail - Luke 22:31-34
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Ruth: How to see God at Work
Pastor Casey Groves, Ruth: An Intro To Historical Narrative
Pastor Casey Groves, Galatians: All About A New Life
Pastor Casey Groves, Galatian Style Proverbs
Pastor Casey Groves, The Holy Spirit (Part 2 - Keep In Step With The Spirit)
Pastor Casey Groves, The Holy Spirit (Part 1 - Walk By The Spirit)
Pastor Casey Groves, Freedom! (Part 2: Free To Love Like Jesus)
Pastor Casey Groves, Freedom! (Part One: Two Kinds of Slavery)
Pastor Casey Groves, Try Hard or Trust? (Works Vs Faith)
Pastor Casey Groves, Redemption, Resurrection, Eternal Life (Easter Message)
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Good Friday
Pastor Casey Groves, A Wee Little Man (Jesus Sees You)
Pastor Casey Groves, Be Like Me, I Became Like You
Pastor Casey Groves, Legalism And The Love Of A Father
Pastor Casey Groves, Promise Maker, Promise Keeper
Pastor Casey Groves, Fools and Faith (Don't Complicate It)
Pastor Casey Groves, The Fear Of Man... It's A Trap!
Pastor Casey Groves, Paul's Logic: A Transformed Life
Pastor Casey Groves, God's Work Within
Elder Tyler Thomas, Galatians 1:6-10 - The Gospel of Christ
Pastor Casey Groves, Galatians (Who Is Paul?)
Pastor Casey Groves, Intro To Galatians
Pastor Casey Groves, New Year: Make Time!
Pastor Casey Groves, Love, Actually
Pastor Casey Groves, Joy! A Gift To The Magi
Pastor Casey Groves, Peace On Earth (And In Your Heart)
Pastor Casey Groves, Faith and Hope
Pastor Casey Groves, A Light Has Dawned
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership Series Recap | Tom Loucks Interview
Elder Tyler Thomas, Church Membership Part VI: Culture of Prayer
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership Part V: Culture of Breaking Bread
Juli Bolt, Living Room International (Brave Love)
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership Part IV: Culture of Fellowship
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership Part III: The Word!
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership Part II
Pastor Casey Groves, Church Membership: Introduction
Pastor Casey Groves, Narrow Gate / Narrow Path
Pastor Casey Groves, Progressive Prayer, Progressive Love
Pastor Casey Groves, Do Not Judge / Do Discern
Pastor Casey Groves, Birds & Flowers (Do Not Worry)
Elder Tyler Thomas, Money Performance and New Habits for a New Kingdom
Home Group Sharing
Pastor Casey Groves, True Worship
Youth Sunday 2023
Pastor Casey Groves, Prayer & Fasting
Pastor Casey Groves, Love Your Enemies
Elder Tyler Thomas, Resisting Retaliation with Generosity - Sermon on the Mount
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Oaths to Friendship
Jeremy Bolton, Faith
Pastor Casey Groves, Murder, Adultery and Divorce (It Starts In The Heart)
Pastor Casey Groves, Fulfillment Of The Law
Pastor Casey Groves, Salt and Light
Pastor Casey Groves, Persecuted For Righteousness Sake
Elder Tyler Thomas, Posture for Peacemaking
Pastor Casey Groves, Pure in Heart
Pastor Casey Groves, The Merciful
Pastor Casey Groves, Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness!
Pastor Casey Groves, Blessed are the Meek
Easter Sunday
Pastor Casey Groves, Life/Death/Resurrection
Good Friday
Pastor Aaron Bubert, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
Pastor Casey Groves, Prelude: The Kingdom of God
Pastor Aaron Bubert, Preparing the Way: Confession
Pastor Casey Groves, Romans 1-11, What Shall We Say Then?
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah 4- Fist to the Sky (Anger & Mercy)
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah 3- Obedience & Power
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah 2- A Bigger Fish (Confession & Repentance)
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah 1 Part 2- Rebellion Deepens
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah: Spiritual Rebellion
Pastor Casey Groves, Jonah: Intro
Pastor Casey Groves, Faith For a New Year